What is the confirmation process?
Also referred to as making profession of faith
A mentoring process designed to connect youth with an adult faith mentor with whom they will ask questions about their faith, develop their own personal Credo and if they feel called, to profess their faith publicly (“Confirmation”) and claim it as their own.
Who is it for?
Students who are ready to explore their faith and more clearly understand their connection to God and Christ’s church.
When is the confirmation process?
First things first, sign up! We will match each student with a mentor to walk alongside them through the class. An orientation meeting (TBD) will be held on a Sunday after worship when a student has expressed interest. Four group meetings will be scheduled at that time where Pastor Jeff will teach an introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism with a focus on Question and Answer #1. Profession of faith Sunday will be determined once the group meetings have been scheduled.
Where is this held?
Location for meetings will be determined by you and your mentor. Group meetings led by Pastor Jeff will be held at church unless otherwise indicated.
Why should I consider going through confirmation?
Because deciding to follow Jesus Christ is the most important decision one can make in one’s life! Understanding what one believes and why is also important when making that decision to follow Christ.